Liebster Award Nomination & 10 Random Facts About Me

Liebster Award Nomination & 10 Random Facts About Me

Wait, what’s the Liebster Award? Or Lobster Award, as my autocorrect keeps telling me… The Liebster Award recognizes relatively new bloggers like myself. It’s basically a great way for bloggers to support each other, inform readers about other blogs, and allows us to brag about ourselves (stop now if you’d rather not know anything weird about me). As customary with the nomination, I have nominated other bloggers whom I admire and have revealed 10 very random facts about myself. I tried to share some interesting tidbits that not even some of my friends know…

Thank you to Ann from Gardening Limited for nominating me! Her blog is the only gardening blog I follow and she provides wonderful tips for home gardeners on a limited budget and space. Plus, she posts the prettiest flower photos.
Liebster Award

10 Random Facts About Me

  1. I have taken a total of 10 days of Spanish school. 5 days when I was in Spain and then another 5 days when I volunteered in Costa Rica. I will likely not understand you if you try speaking Spanish to me.
  2. I won an $100 IKEA gift card at a karaoke competition as a child. I sung Superstitious by Stevie Wonder.
  3. I used to be in competitive gymnastics as a kid. My best apparatus was the beam and my worst was the uneven bars.
  4. I’ve been playing piano since I was 4 years old and stopped taking lessons during my first year of high school. I made it to grade 10, which is the final level of piano in the Royal Conservatory of Music.
  5. I suffered a really bad concussion and soft tissue damage in my neck and upper back from a snowboarding accident months before graduating high school. I don’t think my ability to focus has been the same since.
  6. I used to upload song covers with my friends onto YouTube under the channel name, The Yellow and Brown (I know, questionable name…). We called ourselves that because 2 of us were Asian and one was Indian.
  7. I performed Bollywood dance on live local television a few years ago to promote a fundraiser put on by a non-profit I used to work for.
  8. I lived in 5 different homes with my family within the same city while growing up in Vancouver, BC. My parents really loved moving (and upgrading).
  9. According to the Jung Personality Test I took last year, I am 52% extroverted and 48% introverted.
  10. I have a dog named Lewis who lives back home in Vancouver with my parents. He is a maltipoo who is 10 years old now, but looks like he’s 5. I miss him dearly.

This is Lewis, our family’s maltipoo. He may be small, but he’s got a big personality.

Liebster Award Blog Nominations

As part of the Liebster Award tradition, I’d love to specifically highlight a blog that I’ve been following and look up to. While not a new website, Nomadic Matt started as a small-time blogger like the rest of us. His website, which offers guides and a plethora of affordable travel trips and stories, has honed a large and impressive following. Matt is now a New York Times best-selling author of How to Travel the World on $50 a Day. His path has totally inspired me and I highly suggest checking his work out.

Did any of my random facts surprise or intrigue you? Let me know in the comments!


















Comments ( 22 )

  1. Chelsie Carr
    Your pup is so cute! I have a doodle and he is the sweetest little thing!
    • Emma @
      Aw thanks so much, Chelsie! I'll pass on the compliment to Lewis. Doodles are adorable as welL! What's your doodle's name?
  2. Ashley Solberg
    Congrats on your nomination! So many fun facts about you too <3
  3. Holly
    I love all of your random facts! I can never think up of any facts about myself that I want to share with others! But I think your little guy Lewis is pretty cute!
    • Emma @
      Thanks so much, Holly! Yeah I definitely had to sit and think for a bit to come up with these 10 facts! Lewis thanks you :D
  4. katevanvleck
    Congrats on the nomination! Loved this list of random facts! Its always nice to get to know the authors behind these blogs :)
    • Emma @
      I really appreciate it, Kate! Thanks so much. Had no idea people would be interested in random facts about me.
  5. Caitlin
    So fun to learn more about you!
  6. heathernolting
    Congratulations on your award! Lewis is adorable!
  7. Jenny
    I loved getting to know a little more about you! This is such a fun way to get to know more about our fellow bloggers.
    • Emma @
      Thanks so much, Jenny! I wasn't sure how it would be perceived because I don't really like talking about myself at length and I didn't think anyone would even be interested, so that means a lot!
  8. GLENNY (@glennymah)
    Thats so awesome! I love reading facts about people. I'm originally from Vancouver,BC myself but moved out to Edmonton for better opportunities in terms of $$ :)
    • Emma @
      Thanks so much, Glenny! Ah I love meeting other people from Vancouver! A lot of people I know from Van actually moved to Alberta and Toronto for jobs and cheaper living too.
  9. denisevultee
    Congratulation on your nomination! I have a friend who just moved to Vancouver. I'd love to visit sometime!
    • Emma @
      Thanks so much, Denise! That's awesome - it really is a great city. Did they move for work?
  10. 101foodtravel
    You sounded almost like me. I am big into Karaoke as well, matter of fact I won for the first time few years ago since none of my friends knew I can sing hahahha. Your dog is so cute, I owned an Australian Shepherd. I adopted boxers but both of them are dead due to their old age. It's nice to get to know you and thank you for nominating me. I appreciate it a lot.
    • Emma @
      Definitely sounds like we have quite a few things in common! Do you think you'll get more dogs in the future? And you're welcome! Can't wait to read your 10 random facts :D
  11. annmarie1979
    Loved getting to know you better on this post! My hubby and I love to kareoke! We have two cats. I don't know what I would do if they had to live away from me. Thank you for the shout out and sharing the Liebster Award love!
    • Emma @
      Thanks, Ann! Haha yes karaoke is still my jam too! And yeah I miss Lewis a lot :(. Our current apartment doesn't allow pets, but maybe there'll be another pup in my future.

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