I had the fortune of visiting Humboldt for what will likely be the last time in a while, and what I wanted to highlight during this visit was my camping excursion there. We set out to Trinidad, California, which is nestled beautifully right on the Pacific Ocean, to Patrick’s Point State Park.
The fee to camp and enter the site is $35, which I’ve heard is quite good in comparison to B.C. prices, and I must say the campgrounds are probably the most attractive ones I’ve seen. Each spot is nicely secluded from the others by greenery, as if you each have your own little home in the ‘neighbourhood’. Apparently the park is bustling with visitors during the summer, but I would say there were no more than 15 groups at this campground in the middle of May.
After choosing our site, we set out to explore the beach right by our plot and to walk the various little trails of the park. Patrick’s Point is scattered with numerous lookout points, including the picturesque Wedding Rock – aptly named for its attraction as a wedding photo destination.
I won’t go into too many details, but we definitely had a lovely stay while there. The grounds were incredibly well kept and provided a beautiful and relaxing getaway for 24 hours. You’ll also see and hear some great – and adorable – Californian wildlife during your stay there.

Part of Wedding Rock

Prying this hatchet out of stubborn wood that we were trying to make firewood out of

View from another lookout point

Mussel Rock

The beach right by our site where we ate lunch